The battle for talent does not stop even in periods of economic downturn, let alone now when there are more job offers than in the last few years and the best…
At the end of 2015, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis (…
The Czech Statistical Office has released a publication entitled Total…
A new government regulation was published in connection with the new Czech…
The Czech government adopted Government Regulation no. 233/2015 Coll. on…
There has been a lot of focus on employee engagement in recent years. More…
Amendments to two major laws for employers in the Czech Republic - the…
Two hundred and three professors from 88 US universities, including…
The economy is gaining momentum again and new job opportunities are…
In April 2015, US businessman Dan Price, owner of Gravity Payments in…
What do employees want more than a higher salary? Its more days off, not…
The consulting company Accenture is one of the biggest employers in the…
The British government has made public a preliminary consultation of its…