HR professional preparing an internal mentoring (or another internal training) program in a company should reckon with the fact that his superiors will want him to…
People working in HR still face the not so good reputation of the field.…
Where are the weakest points of employee performance evaluations? This…
Do you have problems with hiring exceptional talents? The cause may be your…
The opinions of HR and top management on what is the best for their company…
Succession planning for key positions has its prerequisites whether you…
Any job has its seven deadly sins, human resources notwithstanding. Here…
Human resources in each company try hard to be taken seriously by top…
The task of HR business partners is to get to the heart of corporate…
Nowadays, all companies are facing one problem - how to increase employee…
The Yahoo's recent decision to end the possibility of employees to work…
Relevance, clarity and respect. These are three basic prerequisites of a…
Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer decided to end the existing practice when…