Human resources – HR news

Leaders Driven Forum: Be Inspired by the Leadership of Future

What makes a leader? What decides who will be professionally successful? Not many professional authorities can satisfactorily answer, but five of those who can will…

What to ask when hiring recruiters

There is a proverb saying "the shoemaker goes barefoot". Is this true in…

The UK is becomming more flexible

2017 is going to be a turning point for the UK because the number of…

Článek v rámci předplatného Best workers don't always have the best CVs

Job applicants who don't look too good on paper may be the best employees…

7 steps to more effective employee referral programs

Referrals from existing employees represent one of the most effective and…

How do HR people hurt managers the most?

Both expert studies and our everyday experience confirm that employees…

Social networking: Recruitment will never be the same again

Social networks have significantly changed communication, not only from the…

10 steps to a more strategic HR

Do you want your HR department to become a real strategic partner in the…

Článek v rámci předplatného Company pages (not only) on LinkedIn: Be different

Creating a company page on the professional social network LinkedIn is one…

Get to know your colleagues through blind dates

Relationships with colleagues play an important role in overall employee…

How is your employer brand doing?

Companies which want to attract the best talent need strong employer…

Talent management trends for 2016

In 2016, talent management will make changes regarding the approach to…

Introduction to data analysis in HR

You are an HR manager and you have data. But what should you do with it? …

Listing 313 to 325 out of 922