Human resources – HR news

Five HR skills that are a must for any manager

Are you trying to train a person who has just been appointed a manager? Are you trying to ensure they have all the prerequisites to become a team leader? You must…

Empowering of employees as a path towards improved work efficiency

Many managers with authoritarian tendencies mistakenly assume they can…

Článek v rámci předplatného Five steps towards a company culture with a positive attitude to employees

A company's positive attitude towards employees is about more than just…

Five types of conversation managers should have with team members

Communication plays a key role within teams. And the team manager is the…

Six types of managers who are toxic to a company

Being a good manager goes hand in hand with many requirements and skills.…

Specifics of leading a multi-generation team

A situation in which one team has a fresh graduate working alongside a…

Five simple steps towards having satisfied employees

Many employers still have a problem devoting a larger portion of their…

The most common problems in communication of a manager with the rest of the team

Excellent internal communication is a must in the successful management of…

Článek v rámci předplatného Most common reasons why employees lose motivation

Do you want your employees to be motivated, come to work happy and hardly…

Six rules for the successful launch of an internship programme at your company

Given the extreme shortage of workers on the job market, an increasing…

Motivate employees to confide in you

For managing talent and implementing effective changes at the workplace, an…

Four challenges facing a start-up recruiter

Setting up any new system has both advantages and challenges. On the one…

Generation Z: 7 reasons why they require a special approach at the workplace

"Generation Z" is the generation that comes after millennials and consists…

Listing 79 to 91 out of 922