One of the most frequently discussed issues in today's human resources management is flexible working hours and the possibility to work from home or other remote…
A recent survey by The Corporate Executive Board Co. showed that…
Leadership development is an HR policy priority of today's companies.…
"C'est la vie", "Oh la la!" or even "Vive la France". Headlines containing…
In the next five years, we can expect a complete transformation in the…
Employee performance in a company should be properly connected to employee…
Strategic talent management cannot be based on measuring employee…
Succession planning is one of the most frequently cited organizational…
When processing information, the human brain creates certain shortcuts in…
Every recruiting manager should strive to be perceived as an expert who…
Today's recruiters usually understand the potential of passive job seekers,…
You have defined the values of your employer brand as well as the brand…
Office designers are more responsible for spreading disease in workplaces…