Silent people are often victims of misunderstandings of their colleagues and superiors. The fact that an employee says barely half a word for the entire day does not…
Instant messaging (IM) is now a common way of communicating in companies…
Can we still talk about volunteering in connection with the involvement of…
Raising of successful leaders is a basic prerequisite for successful talent…
Recruiting the best people for your company is indeed an art but, to a…
Just because someone performs the role of a leader, he doesn't have to be…
A huge number of social media solutions for internal communication in…
The concept of employee engagement includes three main areas of engagement.…
Besides job interviews, exit interviews are increasingly taking place in…
If the HR department wants to get real respect from corporate management,…
Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one…
Top managers are very demanding audience. They are impatient because they…
Poor eating habits during working days greatly contribute to obesity.…