"Generation Z" is the generation that comes after millennials and consists of people born approximately from the mid-1990s to the beginning of the 21st century. From…
A company whose employees stagnate in terms of education and personal…
For many reasons it is advisable to choose a new leader from the ranks of…
Resources and time invested into retention of the current workforce will…
In terms of HR and talent management, freelancers hired by a company often…
Despite all efforts, there are still gender-based differences in attitude…
Stress is a major enemy of an effective workplace. It is a silent killer of…
The year 2019 has brought many new trends in the field of office space…
Retaining top employees is a key task of management and the HR department.…
A leadership position requires certain traits, habits and procedures on the…
Most companies realise the importance of diversity among employees and the…
How do you detect a toxic working environment? There are a number of…
The job of an HR specialist has changed significantly in the last decade.…