There are several hundred recruitment agencies in the Czech Republic - from branches of large international companies to small local agencies. Which of them is right for you? The following set of questions, published on the Training Magazine website, may help you decide. The author of these questions is Tracy Streebel, marketing director of Inavero, one of the world's leading processors of satisfaction surveys and which also deals with surveys focused on companies' satisfaction with recruitment agencies.
1. What is your experience with recruitment in my field?
Always look for an agency that has been one of the key players in your industry. Ask for proof that the agency attends job fairs in your industry and hires for your competitors.
2. How do you measure your client satisfaction, and what results have you achieved recently?
Do not settle for a few references submitted by an agency. Ask the agency you are considering hiring to submit the results of its client satisfaction surveys, and especially to guide you through the evaluation methodology used.
3. What was your employee turnover during the last year?
Beware of agencies with a high employee turnover. Search for long-term partners who will not change the employee who will be in charge of your company frequently.
4. What is the level of satisfaction of your newly placed workers?
Even in this case, ask for the results of satisfaction ratings and for testimonials from the employees that the agency has placed with other employers in your field.
5. Which current trends in the labor market should I know?
The agency you will choose should be your trusted adviser. At the first meeting with its representative, you should already be learning something new about the labor market.
6. Are you more or less expensive than other recruitment agencies?
A trusted agency must be able to explain the level of its prices, no matter how high or low it is. Do not look for the cheapest option, but for someone who can find people you would not find yourself.
7. What do you expect from us as a partner?
A reputable agency will be clear about what is expected from its clients in terms of opportunities to participate in their corporate culture.