The German company SAP is a leading provider of enterprise software. Although it operates almost solely on the B2B market, it is competing for talent with other…
When recruiting new employees, personality is the most important deciding…
Career coaching provides assistance with career development and finding…
When talking with managers seeking new people for their teams, recruiters…
Succeeding at the interview stage isn't always easy, but you can always …
How easy would it be to succeed at an interview if you knew the answers to…
Earlier this year, Universum, a company focusing on employer branding,…
Should a particular employee know that you see them as a high potential and…
The time a recruiter spends reading your CV before finally discarding it is…
Each function within a company measures the quality of its products or…
Any job that requires contact with other people should be done by people…
The definition of autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by…
The Czech Republic ranks among the three countries in Europe with the…