What will companies have to start doing to retain top workers?

The current situation on the job market makes many HR specialists wonder what they should do both to attract the best possible workers and keep their current top workers who push the company forward. As times change, companies attitudes must change too. This article will look at what companies will need to start doing in order to create a working environment where they will be able to keep their current employees as well as recruit new quality workers.


Personal approach

As HR Zone states, the idea that all employees should be treated the same, that companies have strict rules and systems and are unyielding in allowing flexibility to individual workers has long become obsolete. Not only do employees these days require a different, much more individual approach, but also modern technologies and tools enable companies, in the vast majority of cases, to adopt this modern attitude.

Employers need to realise that employees are specific, individual people with different needs. Everybody wants to develop in a different way and everybody has different talents they can use in their job. Employees should therefore not be strictly limited by the description of their specific position. Today, various positions with agendas that interweave through numerous teams and projects are becoming popular. Previously unthought-of jobs are now being combined to create a mixture within which a given worker with certain specific traits can shine. If correctly applied, this approach appears to provide ideal support for individual talent and a means to retain employees on an individual basis.

Possibilities of development

One of the main reasons stated by employees who decide to leave their current job is lack of development possibilities. Ambitious people (which top workers definitely are) must be given an opportunity not only to educate themselves within the company, but also profile themselves practically. So offer not just training, but also the option to use practically the acquired knowledge at work.


Employee and employer must cooperate together to develop the given employee, to increase their expertise and improve their skills. This is only possible if the employer gives the employee continuous, valuable feedback, supported by analysis, which helps the employee focus on strengthening their positive traits and dealing with their negative ones. Offer employees a well designed system of feedback so that not only you as a company but also the given employee will profit from it.



Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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