Five types of leaders, including their strengths and weaknesses

Management positions are staffed by various types of people and two equally successful leadership styles may be completely different. Here we will describe five basic types of leaders. Of course, this is a simplification as most managers will combine elements of more than one category; however, one of the mentioned types will be dominant. What are the strengths and weaknesses of each individual group? The answers to these questions appear in the following article.


This list was published by the HubSpot company.


These people are often industrious, demanding workers, setting great store by their own profit and skills. They concentrate primarily on their own work and will often take over tasks of subordinates. Their strength is commitment, their weakness not caring much about how others work.


Strategists have an excellent insight into all the processes, plans and structures within which the given team operates. They are outstanding analysts and work very well indeed with numbers; however, they often lack necessary communication skills and emotional intelligence.


Opportunists are sceptical towards others, they are often autocratic in their leadership style and like having control and oversight over others. They can give clear instructions and specific parameters but they do not allow employees much room for creativity and their own initiative.


Their main strength is the ability to negotiate with others. They have an excellent relationship with management, they can motivate subordinates and negotiate well with business partners. They might, however, sometimes lack orientation on goals and performance and could have problems adhering to company rules and policies.


These types are experts in the given field, being highly knowledgeable about whole issues to the minutest detail. The downside is that they may have lower emotional intelligence or not be interested in social relationships at the workplace.




Article source HubSpot Blog - marketing and sales blog of the HubSpot company
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