Suitable work agenda
As Forbes states, the agenda an employee is responsible for must suit them. In other words, it has to be meaningful to the employee, who must have the necessary knowledge, skills and tools to perform it. Any problems in this respect can be seriously demotivating.
Seeing the job has a deeper meaning
People need to know their work has some sort of meaning. This does not necessarily mean we all have to be saving primeval forests, but it does mean the work we are doing should not be tedious, boring and routine. If we see no deeper meaning in what we do, we will usually not last very long in the job.
Colleagues, superiors and work environment
Relations at the workplace play an extremely important role in employee satisfaction. The relations an employee has with colleagues, and especially with their supervisors, has a major impact on overall motivation and employee satisfaction.
Being valued
Being rewarded for a job well done is the foundation of employee satisfaction. This is not exclusively about financial remuneration, but also about the overall care for and praise of employees.
Opportunities for growth and advancement
The employee must see their job is not a dead end. If there is no visible opportunity for growth and no prospects, employees tend to be less engaged, motivated and satisfied.