Five signs that people are fit to lead others

Have you ever faced a decision about which team member should be promoted to manager? Sometimes the situation is quite clear but on other occasions it is more ambiguous and you have to decide between someone who has "hard skills" but is not so good at communicating with others, or someone who perhaps has not been with the company for long and is not fully familiar with its procedures, but whose personality makes them fit to become a leader. In order to make your decision easier, we offer five signs of people who are fit to lead others.



According to, someone with insufficient empathy who is unable to adjust to the behaviour and communication of the person they are talking to cannot be a leader. Do not choose anyone who is lacking in empathy and social intelligence.

Ability to connect

Being a team leader often means finding the best traits of individual team members and joining them in one functional and efficient whole. A good manager must not divide but connect and seek solutions and compatibility.

Patience and sense for long-term projects

Managing others requires patience because changes in the team and its work cannot be hasty and too drastic. A leader must be able to make small changes and often wait a long time for them to show. A manager must also take long-term strategic decisions and have patience with people who do not necessarily share their visions and opinions.

Knowledge of the environment and work

A leader should always know in detail what the work of subordinates consists of. They should have a good insight into how the company works and how it communicates internally. Do not give a management position to someone who is unfamiliar with the daily tasks of individual employees of the company.

Adherence to principles

A good leader must be flexible, yet also have a certain sense of justice and adhere to principles. They should reward employees genuinely according to the work they have done and should treat all team members equally. If someone's behaviour is strongly influenced by emotions and positive or negative feelings towards certain people, this person is not a suitable candidate for becoming a manager.



Article source - a U.S. magazine and web focused on starting businesses
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