Obstacles to strategic employee selection and development


If the HR department wants to get real respect from corporate management, it must show that it provides a really valuable service (in terms of money). If it wants to play a more strategic role in the management of human capital, it must overcome a number of obstacles. According to TLNT.com, these are primarily the following obstacles in the process of employee selection and development.

1. Victim position

When asked what prevents them from success in the company, Hr people often responds that they lack training, help and managerial direction. Stylization in the role of a victim is a big mental block on the HR's road to success in the company. Until the human resources fail to recognize the importance of their role in the entry of employees into the company and their further development, they cannot be strategic.

2. Inability to quantify poor performance

One theory says that 20 percent of employees do 80 percent of work. Other quantifies the costs of poor performance to 10-50% of annual salary. All these are only general numbers and you need to know the yours. Work with line managers.

3. Inability to eliminate candidates whose performance will be inadequate

Decisions concerning employee recruitment and promotion should be based on the evaluation of individuals, not jobs. Watch the performance of individuals on the basis of predetermined skills.

4. Evaluating only in the form of interviews

Unstructured interviews show little predictive value no matter if they are a part of recruitment or career development of employees. For each skill you want to evaluate, you should consider choosing the most appropriate assessment tool.

5. Refusing changes

Do the people in your HR department think that they need no further help or training? Then you should remind them of their role in the early measurement of employee skills and be able to say goodbye to them if they are not able to adapt to changes.


Article source TLNT - a U.S. blog for human resource and talent management leaders
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