Well-being at the workplace and its basic parameters

Workplace well-being is a frequently used technical term in the world of HR. It refers to a motivating and pleasing working environment in which employees are happy and able to give their best performance. Besides the physical and aesthetic characteristics of the workplace, which will not be covered in this article, "well-being" also includes above all measures taken by the employer to ensure the mental comfort of employees. This article will look at some of the basic parameters of this much discussed set-up of a working environment.



According to HR Zone, the basic parameter of workplace well-being is flexibility of work and working hours. Different people have different requests and priorities. The option of flexible work is much appreciated by employees and adds to overall satisfaction at the workplace.

Programme for senior employees

An employer should motivate workers to stay at the company as long as possible and employees need to know that if they are loyal to the company, they will be rewarded. Do not leave employees in doubt: offer them a transparent system of career advancement and education, plus care for senior employees whose expertise and experience is appreciated by the employer.

Financial assurances

One of the worst uncertainties among employees is the financial aspect. You will never have satisfied, efficient, fully-focused employees if they are not guaranteed their income. Pay wages on time, and again have a transparent system of bonuses. Ideally you should also offer employees financial counselling or advantageous life insurance so that basically their concerns about money are reduced to a minimum.

Engagement of employees

Satisfaction at the workplace must also include the option of actively changing and improving the working environment. So the well-being of employees also requires the employer listen to them, that their remarks be taken seriously and that they be consulted about various new steps and changes that concern them, so they can have their say in the newly implemented systems and even participate in them.



Article source HR Zone - British website focused on HR
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