Marshall Goldsmith advises on how to succeed as a coach


The most important skill of every coach is the ability to overcome your own ego. That is the opinion of Marshall Goldsmith - world-renowned senior executive coach, speaker and author of popular books on personal development such as What Got You Here Won't Get You There and Mojo.

"The important thing to keep in mind in all of your coaching relationships (and one could might even argue in all of your relationships) is that your client’s (or friend or partner, husband or wife) dedication to change means a whole lot more than your wisdom," writes Marshall Goldsmith on his blog, "The next time you start feeling ‘smart,’ ‘qualified,’ or ‘wise,’ remember this warning: Coaching is about them, it’s not about you." A good coach must have specialized knowledge and skills, but also must be able to prioritize the interests of the client.

In addition, coaches should be good businessmen, which is often a problem. The fact that someone is a good coach does not automatically bring in clients, so Marshall Goldsmith compiled the following list of recommendations on how to establish yourself as a coach on the market.

1. Learn to understand business

Especially if you want to coach managers, you have to know how the world of business works. You can start with the basics of finance such as the concepts of revenue, cash flow and profitability.

2. Measure your own business

Find tools to show you clear numbers in connection with how you're doing. You should know, for example, how many potential clients you have negotiated with and how many of them have actually become your clients.

3. Find your market niche

Look for needs nobody else on your market has focused on yet. Build special competencies that will set you apart from others.

4. Become an expert

Constantly improve in your field of expertise. Nobody can be an expert on everything. However, it may only take several years of intensive study to become an expert in the one area you choose.

5. Build your personal brand

If you want people to notice you, you have to be unique. You also have to be visible. A good coach has to be a good marketer too or team up with somebody who can market him.


Article source Marshall Goldsmith Personal Blog - blog of a world-renowned leadership coach
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