Pitfalls of mobile employee training

By 2020 half the global workforce will be represented by millennials, the generation that grew up in the world of modern communication technologies. Using smart mobile devices will be a matter of course for them both in private and at work. This opens a wide area for mobile learning, which will be accessible to employees anytime and anywhere.


Training via mobile devices has its advantages, which include mainly the transfer of educational content in a way that corresponds to the learners' common lifestyle. Employees are accustomed to seeking answers to what they don't know on their phones and download applications in order to make their life easier. They can learn much more from short educational texts, videos and tests at a time of their choice than if they should sit at long training sessions.

There are, however, also several pitfalls you should consider when deciding whether to train employees via their mobile devices. According to elearningindustry.com, you can only gain a competitive advantage thanks to this type of training if you address the following challenges.

1. Corporate data protection

Before you start providing mobile training courses, it is necessary to implement tools to ensure secure access to corporate data via mobile devices.

2. Mobile-friendly content

Mobile training can't use the same materials as traditional classroom courses. The training content must be divided into short sequences easily downloadable on mobile devices.

3. Purpose and budget

Expect the need to invest in the development of content specially adapted for mobile devices. Before the decision is made, make sure that this kind of employee training can be beneficial for your business.

4. Difficult proving benefits

Most companies offering mobile employee training have no formal systems for measuring its results and ROI. However, analytical tools able to measure these indicators already exist and many more are being created. Use one of them.


Article source eLearning Industry - online community of professionals involved in the e-learning industry
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