Focus diversity management on interpersonal skills


A fundamental part of the work of diversity experts in companies is developing the interpersonal skills of employees, as without strong interpersonal skills they cannot effectively interact with their colleagues and bring their company effective results. According to the Diversity Executive website, it is necessary to focus especially on the following skills:


Teach your employees to respect colleagues from different cultures and with different opinions. The goal is to attain a state where your people will not be afraid to ask for a vacation or flexible working hours due to religious reasons, for example.

Active listening

To listen actively means to express interest in what others are saying. Your people should know how to be silent, listen and ask questions.


Encourage your employees to discuss matters related to diversity openly and regularly.

Sensitive approach

Teach your employees the ability to approach the needs and emotions of other people in the company sensitively. Organize practical training sessions on how to overcome prejudices and stereotypes.

Conflict resolution

Also use training sessions for conflict resolution practice so that the conflicts are not needlessly repeated in the future. Focus on typical situations.


Article source Diversity Executive - a U.S. magazine and website focused on diversity
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