Leadership in firms should be measured in the same way as their credit rating so that it has a clear predictive value for investors. This is the view of Dave Ulrich,…
By 2030, the number of jobs in the world's largest economies will exceed…
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) launched its…
Senior Vice President of People Operations at Google, Laszlo Bock, has…
How will the new generation change the world and how can we motivate the…
In 2012, John Sullivan, a world-renowned consultant in the field of HR and…
Selecting the most appropriate learning management system (LMS) for your…
John Sullivan, a world-recognized consultant in the field of human…
Google's HR Director Laszlo Bock and LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner were key…
Neuroscience is a scientific discipline focused on studying the brain and…
In the first part of our article on future trends in talent acquisition, we…
Mothers are significantly more productive at work than women and men…
More than three million people apply for a job at Google every year but…