Employee satisfaction is increasingly depending on whether employers offer benefits as part of employee remuneration. If a company offers a free choice of benefits,…
In the middle of this year, the third edition of the successful book titled…
How user-friendly and informationally valuable is the part of your company'…
Do you as an HR professional encounter line managers' misunderstandings of…
Age is a much more complex issue than just a look in a birth certificate.…
Managers of large companies are today increasingly addressing the issue…
"Social network in the company? We have Yammer." This is how the vast…
Three out of five (57%) job ads on the Czech labour portal Profesia.cz…
Where it pays to work if someone wants to earn good money? In which sectors…
A huge number of social media solutions for internal communication in…
The war for talents and especially the issue of retaining talent is a key…
The share of people who would like to be employed in a form other than…
As users of the LinkedIn social network, you have already probably…