Cars, computers, insurance, flexible working hours, sick days, home offices, cultural and sporting events, relax rooms, breakfasts, hairdressers, childcare, freezing…
One of the founders of coaching, Sir John Henry Douglas Whitmore, died on…
By changing the system of remuneration for employees, you are in fact…
Google is developing a new product for companies, specifically for employee…
The most successful companies in the world excel thanks to high degrees of…
Pat Wadors, Chief Human Resources Officer of LinkedIn, the world's largest…
More than four thousand HR and recruitment managers of leading companies…
Employee engagement has recently been one of the most frequently discussed…
There is currently a record low in unemployment in the Czech Republic.…
Nick van Dam, chief learning officer (CLO) at McKinsey, is passionate about…
Recruitment is a traditional weakness of startups. Each startup, however,…
Test operation of publishing jobs on social network Facebook has been…
The number of users of the professional social network LinkedIn reached…