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The global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline extended the number of employers who have decided to bet on more flexible and mobile working environment and…
If you have experience in managing the youngest generation of employees,…
The still difficult economic situation and the related stress caused by…
Today's leaders face multi-generational teams and the related need to…
Working from home is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Anyone…
Growing diversity of the workforce force leaders to develop new leadership…
Similarly to maturing in our lives, we also mature as leaders. While most…
Innovation means change and change is a very difficult issue for employees.…
87% of office employees in multinational companies around the world perform…
"Agile Working"- that's the name of the concept of flexible workplace…
Virtual teams are becoming more common and experience shows that they can…
The presence of dogs in the workplace reduces employee stress and…
The largest pilot project of flexible work in the UK has shown that…