Human resources – HR news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

A pandemic redefines jobs

The outbreak of the pandemic has forced companies into possibly a most meaningful social experiment in the future of work, while social distancing has affected…

Five tactics for maintaining employee morale in difficult times

Strong morality is not a luxury but an essential – and not only in…

How to detect a team member who is a good candidate for team leader

Are you facing the decision about which member of a team should be promoted…

Well-being: a holistic approach to its four categories at the workplace

Well-being is something that needs no explaining to HR specialists and…

Five HR skills that are a must for any manager

Are you trying to train a person who has just been appointed a manager? Are…

Empowering of employees as a path towards improved work efficiency

Many managers with authoritarian tendencies mistakenly assume they can…

Six types of managers who are toxic to a company

Being a good manager goes hand in hand with many requirements and skills.…

Specifics of leading a multi-generation team

A situation in which one team has a fresh graduate working alongside a…

Five steps towards removing gender inequality at your workplace

Despite all efforts, there are still gender-based differences in attitude…

Preparing a programme lowering stress at the workplace

Stress is a major enemy of an effective workplace. It is a silent killer of…

Four hottest trends in workplace design for 2019

The year 2019 has brought many new trends in the field of office space…

Seven traits of a born leader

A leadership position requires certain traits, habits and procedures on the…

Are your employees at risk of burnout? Five things you can do

Some business fields are well known for the increased chances of their…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 246