Human resources – HR news

4 tips for a more productive return from vacation

Returning from vacation is challenging. Most people, therefore, do not expected themselves to be sufficiently productive on the first day back at work. How can you…

HR outsourcing in small companies - advantages and disadvantages

Small companies choose partial or complete outsourcing of HR for an obvious…

Meal vouchers the most common Czech non-financial benefit

Most people in the Czech Republic receive non-financial benefits in…

Czech government supports child groups

The Czech government approved the subject matter of a new law concerning a…

Myths of public speeches and presentations

One of the most common misconceptions in public speaking is the idea that a…

4 steps to a corporate leadership development program

Corporate leadership development program is one of the ways to develop high…

How (not) to promote recruiters to the roles of talent advisors

Turning recruiters in corporate talent advisors requires more than changing…

Study: 61% of people in the Czech Republic earning less than the average salary

The average monthly salary in the Czech Republic is 26,008 Czech crowns.…

Recruiting is like dating

What does dating have in common with recruiting? According, there…

Developing managers is the key to talent management

Research confirms that todays employees expect management at their…

Employee training is meaningless without measuring

Many educational programs bring only a minimal long-term value to…

Test your employment brand

Strong employer's brand is one of the most powerful recruitment tools of a…

Liven up your employee engagement surveys

As the last quarter of the year approaches, HR departments are beginning to…

Listing 1418 to 1430 out of 1815