HR News present suggestions for improving management and communication skills.The inspiring hints are presented to managers and employees which strenghtens the role of HR in our company.
Peter, HR manager
HR News serve the largest community of HR managers and specialists in the Czech Republic.
You will find inspiring content from all HR areas - benefits, recruitment, training, legal compliance.
16 thousand registered users, the largest HR group on LinkedIn, and tens of thousands articles and videos from HR.
HR News give you impetus to make a change. Within a few minutes you will learn methods to facilite solving your work as well as personal-life problems.
HR News are your assistant who monitors latest trends in manager development and HR management for you.
Editorial articles and interviews with key personalities, excerpts from international news about management, HR, marketing, personnel changes, comments.
HR News refers to international web sources which can provide you with further inspiration.
HR News present suggestions for improving management and communication skills.The inspiring hints are presented to managers and employees which strenghtens the role of HR in our company.
Peter, HR manager
Start your work with HR News. Ten minutes a day is enough to gain inspiration from interesting articles, interviews, recommendations. HR News focuse on three areas: management, HR, and marketing.
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HR News is operated by IVITERA a.s.
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HR News present daily new articles, interviews, and studies which can contribute to your career and improve processes in your organization. HR News also let you publish and share your experience and knowledge which supports the overall value of your work.
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Every sports club has a coach who keeps reminding the players of successful game rules. HR News take a similar approach in coaching your management and HR teams.
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