Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to become a better leader in 12 weeks

Are you looking for inspiration on how to improve as a leader? Then the following lines are meant…

Good boss talks about his people, not about himself

Even if a manager should speak mainly through his actions, his words directed to employees are very…

How to become a courageous leader of a courageous team

If you want to be a leader and achieve something in this role, you must have the courage to make…

Leader does not say: "I will try..."

If you want to be perceived as strong leaders at your work, you should focus not only on your…

Leader and coach in one person

Coaching approach to the management of people has recently become one of the hot trends among…

Leadership mistakes of project managers

It is the human factor which remains the weakest link of many projects. Project managers simply have…

Seven deadly sins of a leader

Pride, greed, envy, wrath, lust, gluttony and laziness. These are concepts known in the Christian…

Good leader does not pretend anything

We have already written many times about what a successful leader does or should do. Let's,…

15 things a leader does automatically

Leadership is nothing else than a way of human behaviour that gradually becomes automatic. If you…

Listing 901 to 909 out of 953