Manager – management news

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icon How to know if your management style is outdated (and what to do about it)

The world is changing at a rapid pace and, with it, employee demands and expectations are evolving, as also are management styles and approaches. What may have been…

icon Perfect your people management style with three lessons offered by Bill Gates:

Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the most successful…

icon Are you a short-tempered manager? Some tips on self-control

Some people simply have a hard time controlling their anger. That in itself…

icon Team not doing what you tell them? Maybe they don't understand what you want

"I don't know why, but my team is just not delivering what they are…

icon Five unusual tips on being happier and staying positive

One of the main tasks of a manager is to provide support to subordinates…

icon What Olympic athletes and successful entrepreneurs have in common: lessons in discipline and determination

The Olympic Games in Paris recently ended and the Paralympics are in full…

icon Want to be a successful leader? Five things you need to do every day

To be truly successful, a manager needs not only to have the necessary hard…

icon Micromanagement as a productivity killer: three reasons to give subordinates more freedom

Too many managers mistakenly believe the best way to achieve maximum…

icon Some tips on how a leader can communicate effectively with subordinates

Many managers reflect on how they can lead their subordinates more…

icon How to give feedback, including negative, to subordinates

Every manager probably wishes they could only praise their subordinates.…

icon Five must-have personal traits of a truly successful boss

Do you have ambitions to become a team leader, or are you already in a…

icon Why and how managers must build positive and quality relations with subordinates

Employee satisfaction, the ability to give effective feedback or increase…

icon Learn to concentrate better with the help of these tips

Knowing how to concentrate better and immerse yourself deeply in the work…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 3264