Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Too much engagement can hurt you

High levels of engagement have a scientifically proven impact on higher employee satisfaction, performance and retention. For companies, it means higher revenues and…

icon Managers' most common misconceptions

When companies are not performing well, poor products, markets and sales…

icon Does today's world favour introverts? 4 reasons why it should

If you could choose, would you hire an extrovert or an introvert? You…

icon 3 corporate narratives giving colleagues a sense of purpose

Through narratives you can create shared experiences, a sense of fellowship…

icon Do you think you can succeed only if your colleagues fail?

A gloomy economic outlook can tear apart the social fabric of organisations…

icon Stress and fatigue lowers your cultural intelligence: What to do about it? (2/2)

The previous article described how our cultural intelligence suffers when…

icon 5 top qualities that high EQ brings

According to some people, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a much more…

icon Stress and fatigue lowers your cultural intelligence: What to do about it? (1/2)

Working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds is often highly…

icon How to overcome unpleasant feelings when presenting

When you’re preparing a presentation, imagine that everyone just…

icon Don’t be shy: Meet new people – and convert them into clients

You can always return to previous contacts. At one point they were…

icon Innovation projects: How to succeed when each team is responsible for different parts

Imagine two teams of engineers preparing a new laptop. One is designing the…

icon 3 things entrepreneurs are bad at

And tips on how to fix these things are included. How can you finally …

icon E-mails are doomed (2/2): New culture of knowledge sharing

The previous article described which technologies are superior to e-mail.…

Listing 1613 to 1625 out of 3330