Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon No promotion again. How to stay motivated?

You are successful at work; your performance evaluation for this year was great; your boss, subordinates and clients are more than satisfied with you. So you think…

icon Building habits: Never let a single fail get you down

Too often we are convinced that when we do not keep up a good habit, even…

icon How not to make New Year's resolutions

Have you made a New Year's resolution this year? You are quite possibly not…

icon Asking for help is not a weakness

Insufficient collaboration in firms is not due to employees' indifference…

icon 6 ways how (not) to ruin your relationship with subordinates

A manager's success is mainly dependent on the relationships he can build…

icon Employee coaching stands and falls with the right questions

The Harvard Business Review magazine has just published a guide for…

icon What should be on your first slide

Especially when you are presenting at a conference or a meeting, when…

icon How to refuse without feeling guilt and fear

Somebody asked you for a favor, but you don't have time or aren't willing…

icon Why do you keep on procrastinating?

You know what you should do but can't make yourself do it. At the end of…

icon Speaking in public: How to finally get outside of your comfort zone

Everyone has a comfort zone, and the comfort zones are found in every…

icon Tips for young and talented workers at the beginning of their careers

This advice and knowledge was initially addressed to young entrepreneurs,…

icon Are you sabotaging your own career?

Do you feel that your career is deadlocked? Then it probably is. You have…

icon How to survive: Guide for managers in a new role

It is important for managers in a new position, or building a new team and…

Listing 2263 to 2275 out of 3324