Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon A manager's role in employee onboarding

The first days at a new job are usually accompanied by a variety of concerns. A new employee is afraid of getting lost, forgetting important papers and finds himself…

icon How does a leader think?

What distinguishes true leaders from others is their philosophy of life -…

icon Why presentations are (not) good?

On average, it is estimated that up to 350 presentations are delivered…

icon A leader is neither a spy nor a drama queen

We have already written a lot about leadership - mostly advice on how a…

icon Changes have to come from above; or, how to make employees happy

Satisfaction in a firm does not mean just an office full of smiling faces:…

icon Micromanagement may be legitimate

When talking about micromanagement, a very detailed control of how…

icon 10 tips on how to reward yourself for hard work

We all know that work is sometimes challenging. So why not reward yourself?…

icon Successful leaders know why

Imagine a pattern of behavior and communication which is the same for all…

icon Show your people that you care

A leader who avoids personal connections with his employees is making a …

icon 7 tips how to manage "side gigs" and not go crazy

Do you often find that before the month is over your funds for the entire…

icon How to manage an employee who drives you crazy

No manager can always have a team made up of his best friends. This is…

icon 3 things that makes you a better manager (or not?)

Being a manager that focuses on his team and hopes to gain their trust and…

icon Why you should be straight with your employees

The average person tells four lies a day. That is about 1,460 false…

Listing 2575 to 2587 out of 3323