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Along with current, still valid management tips, there are also some that have not stood the test of time and should have been abandoned long ago. Yet some people…
Managers are perhaps even more prone to mental exhaustion than their…
Employee surveys, both in the Czech Republic and abroad, repeatedly show…
Eliminating or at least reducing stress is one of the main tasks of a team…
A managerial position involves much negotiation. A manager negotiates with…
Team building events are an excellent opportunity not only to have fun and…
Storytelling is a skill that, perhaps surprisingly, often proves handy in…
Every manager should try to enthuse subordinates for their work and, at the…
Burnout syndrome is a serious mental condition that turns even exceptional…
A manager should be a facilitator who enables subordinates collectively to…
Laughter and humour often help people overcome even the most difficult…
Are you in a managerial position but sometimes doubt whether you should be?…
No matter how well you have prepared yourself for the role, there will…