Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Goods leaders are able to admit imperfection

All leaders should be aware of the fact that they are not as great as their own ego is suggesting to them. In practice this means learning not only how to say the…

icon What are your sales representatives trying to tell you?

In one of its recent articles, the Sales & Marketing Management…

No need to steer clear of conflicts

icon No need to steer clear of conflicts

If you are the sort of person to try to avoid conflicts within your team at…

icon The daily duties of a good boss

As the boss responsible for motivating your people, you can do a little bit…

icon Beware of charisma

We read everywhere that charisma is a fundamental prerequisite of…

icon Reduce pre-Christmas stress in your team

The end of the year is nearing, bringing with it that time when employers…

icon 3 ways to be a bad boss

If you think that you are the smartest of all the people around you, then…

icon Criticism is not a purely negative thing

Criticizing subordinates is one of the less pleasant parts of a manager's…

icon How to prevent the flu from attacking your team

Winter is nearing quickly, bringing it with it the danger that colds or…

icon Everybody can learn how to speak in public

There is only an absolute minimum of speakers with the art of performing in…

The rules of teamwork (not only) in IT

icon The rules of teamwork (not only) in IT

Do you work as an IT specialist or are you responsible for a team of IT…

icon The Christmas party as an opportunity for networking

We are approaching the time of year for Christmas parties, which, for you,…

icon A great leader doesn?t have to make big gestures

Being a good leader neednt be as difficult as it might at first seem. The…

Listing 2991 to 3003 out of 3323