Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How to becoma a procrastinator quickly and easily

If you want to become a notorious procrastinator delaying the performance of your tasks, there is nothing easier than doing a work you hate. If you are eg. a…

icon Introverts are not to be ashamed

Most advice on how to succeed at work is set for extroverts. What should,…

icon Do you know how to apologize?

Apologizing for a mistake or a share in a certain situation is not easy. We…

icon Meetings will not weld your team together

Time wasted on unnecessary or poorly prepared meetings is very expensive.…

icon Inspiration for managers of sales teams

An economic downturn can test not only the ability of sales people to sell,…

icon Don't be afraid to disagree with the majority

You are going into a meeting and know that you have a different opinion on…

icon 5 steps to prevent pointless fear

Fear is a natural human feeling but it should not become a chronic problem.…

icon How to stop putting things off

Putting off things that you have to do is one of the battles you face in…

icon You are an inspiring leader?

A leader who truly inspires his subordinates must have certain…

icon Are Your Sales Reps Telling You the Truth?

As manager of your business team, does it make you suspicious that you…

icon When should you change how you communicate?

Getting other people to act how you want them to act is very difficult.…

icon Unnecessary delegation mistakes

Can you really delegate as well as you think? Rather make sure that you do…

icon The Ten Commandments of fear management

Are you constantly afraid of something? Are you afraid that something bad…

Listing 3095 to 3107 out of 3323