Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Five types of managers because of whom employees quit their job

Being a good manager is a big responsibility. Besides other things, this is because the leader's persona plays a key role in employee satisfaction. At the same time,…

icon Five simple tips on how to have more satisfied employees

A happy employee is more productive, loyal and hard-working than their…

icon Five practical tips on appearing charismatic and professional

Professionalism. Whatever you might imagine under this term depending on…

icon How to aim high; or, the attitude of the most successful people

Are you ambitious, do you have big plans and would you like to climb as…

icon How to become instantly likeable

Likeable people have a much better chance of being successful at their work…

icon How to prevent burnout among your subordinates

Burnout syndrome is a very serious condition that puts at risk not only the…

icon Skills every aspiring team manager must possess

Being a good team leader means much more than just giving people orders and…

icon Everyday habits that will make you more productive in the long run

Productivity and work efficiency are key traits of anyone wanting to…

icon Four signs of a hostile environment in your team

The performance of any team depends to a large extent on the persona of the…

icon Three ways to develop and maintain motivation in your team

Motivation of team members is one of the key tasks of their manager.…

icon Planning your team's work using the SMART method

Every manager should know the success of any team depends on it having…

icon Why every manager should cultivate a reading habit

Every busy and successful manager must be able to relax effectively in…

icon Five traits of a true leader

Do you wish to become a manager and inspire a team? Or are you already a…

Listing 586 to 598 out of 3323