Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon How do you make your colleagues angry?

When you should answer the question about which behavior of your colleagues annoys you the most, you would surely find many examples. Now, however, try to think in…

icon 11 steps to a healthier office work

A healthier behaviour at work is not so difficult as it might seem at first…

icon Mentor does not tell people what to do

Being a mentor to somebody is not only an honor but mainly a…

icon Mediation inspiration for managers

Mediation is a conflict resolution method that uses an independent mediator…

icon 8 Steps to everyday development of the sales team

Successful sales organizations do not limit training of their sales staff…

5 things you should know about career

icon 5 things you should know about career

Career is mostly a more demanding process than we imagine when we move from…

icon Look before you call a meeting

Think about how many times you have complained at least to yourself that…

icon How not to look too old in the office

While looking in the mirror you start to notice the first gray hair. And…

icon 10 steps to ask for a higher position and salary

For some time already, you have been feeling that the moment in your career…

icon How not to look too young at the office

At the beginning of his career, everyone is young, which often supports the…

icon Good leader does not pretend anything

We have already written many times about what a successful leader does or…

icon Do you come across as a professional or as an amateur?

We often do damage to our professional image by doing unnecessary things…

Every second meeting is a waste of time

icon Every second meeting is a waste of time

A good meetin is short, straight to the point, it begins and ends on time,…

Listing 2913 to 2925 out of 3323