Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon You are a bad manager?

As managers, you have probably already encountered that some people do not like you. That does, however, not mean that you are bad managers. Your task is to…

icon Boundaries of professional conduct to employees

In today's informal workplaces and corporate cultures, managers may cross…

icon What you may not know about procrastination

Even the highest intelligence, energy and creativity cannot protect you…

icon Sport inspiration for mentally resilient leaders

Corporate leaders need the same degree of mental resilience as top…

icon 6 steps to a better working climate

"Working climate" is created by the feelings of employees in their…

icon How to encourage new ideas in your team

The biggest barriers to innovation in companies include lack of new ideas…

icon Do not make stupid mistakes

Even experienced and well trained managers can make stupid mistakes in…

icon Losing your managerial perspective?

Managers' and leaders' actions affect many people and can have very serious…

icon Are you a too nice boss?

Being a good boss and a friend at the same time is very difficult. Every…

Brian Tracy: How to better balance your life

icon Brian Tracy: How to better balance your life

If we want to achieve better balance and simplify our life, we have to…

icon Sport inspiration for team coaching

Even the best sports team cannot succeed without a good coach who will come…

Where are your sales people losing their time?

icon Where are your sales people losing their time?

Good time management is one of the basic prerequisites of successful sales…

icon Work with your body language

Body language is more important than words. In order to make your body work…

Listing 3173 to 3185 out of 3323