Manager – management news

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icon Five tips on being more charismatic

Every successful leader who wants to have not only a bright managerial career but also happy and motivated subordinates must at least to some degree be charismatic.…

icon Some tips on being more productive thanks to effective time management

A good manager manages both their team and their time well. Good time…

icon Subordinates disagreeing with your proposal? Some tips on convincing them

Team leaders must know how to inspire and motivate subordinates. They also…

icon The opposite of micromanagement: how to tell if your team has too much freedom?

Micromanagement is one of the deadly sins of leadership. But is there such…

icon Signs of a toxic atmosphere in your team

The main task of a team manager is to encourage subordinates to develop…

icon Made a mistake as a manager? Some tips on being able to admit it

The strength of one's character does not show when everything is going…

icon Good reasons to build quality personal relationships with all your subordinates

Building personal relationships with subordinates is key to effective team…

icon Outside-the-box ideas for team-building

Team-building activities help to strengthen relationships within your team,…

icon Five tips for dealing with a bad mood in your team

A friendly atmosphere and comfortable working environment are the…

icon Some tips for managers on how to communicate better and more effectively

Managing people is largely about direct interaction with subordinates. The…

icon Six management tips to take away from Donald Trump's political success

Whether or not you are a fan of Donald Trump, or do not care about American…

icon Three ways to improve conversations with subordinates

Relationships at the workplace are built primarily through effective and…

icon Keeping cool: five emotionally stressful situations you will have to face as managers

As managers, you face daily challenges that can test your patience and…

Listing 27 to 39 out of 3323