Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Six tips on planning an effective and successful team building event

Team building events can play a crucial role in cementing a team and supporting relationships between its individual members. The team may also get a chance to test…

icon Seven inspiring Barack Obama quotes about leadership and success

Barack Obama was the 44th president of the USA. At the beginning of his…

icon How to recognise a new employee is the right fit for your team

When choosing a new employee for your team, you need to consider a number…

icon Do you want to be an effective leader? Then do not avoid unpleasant topics

Uncertainty, dissatisfaction with working conditions, internal conflicts,…

icon Why team building and good relations in a team are so important

The main goals of team building are unification of processes within the…

icon A few tips on retaining quality employees in your team

Every manager naturally wants to have productive and quality workers in…

icon Four characteristics of a successful and motivating reward system

A reward system should be an effective motivational tool that encourages…

icon Leading a business department: how to motivate team members

Leading a business team that deals with selling, communication with clients…

icon Ten inspirational quotes about leadership

Much has been said and written concerning leadership and leaders who…

icon Five steps towards the satisfaction of subordinates

What can you, as a team leader, do in order to have satisfied – and…

icon Reach a management position using simple rules

If you are planning on becoming a manager, or if there is an opportunity…

icon Four pillars of employee satisfaction; or, How to have happy people in your team

Every manager would like to have satisfied employees. The reason is clear:…

icon Body language and rapport: gestures you should use when communicating with employees

Building rapport between manager and subordinates requires above all…

Listing 508 to 520 out of 3323