Manager – management news

icon Presentation tips for a professional performance

If you feel the need to rehearse a speech immediately before starting to speak, it is not a good sign: you probably do not know your topic well enough. You should…

icon Busy during summer? Look at these tips (1/2)

If you have a series of small tasks that you repeatedly postpone, you will…

icon How to survive with your new boss

Your new boss should be informed about your development plan as well as…

icon PowerPoint is a good servant but a bad master

Most people worldwide use PowerPoint to prepare presentations. Most people …

icon 4 tips for enhanced creativity

Being creative is a skill that can be trained and fostered. Cultivate it…

icon How to get the yellow jersey in team management

For three weeks, July traditionally belongs to one of the world's major…

icon When developing leaders, support for them is forgotten

Companies that do not invest enough in their emerging leaders are making a…

icon Could you become a professional speaker? (1/2)

To become a speaker who gets paid for speaking, you need to be passionate…

icon Chinese folk tale on trust and humility

There is a Chinese tale about honesty, humility and trust. Its content also…

icon Tips that can save your life during a presentation

There will be a lot of attention on you, so take care of everything. Clean…

icon Creativity: Meeting in one room is not enough

Your team is solving an important problem or launching a new product and…

icon Is your organization agile?

Hierarchical organization, when each level has a clearly defined role in a…

icon "It's a time management problem" and other myths about procrastination

Every one of us has sometimes been tempted to postpone unpleasant tasks,…

Listing 482 to 494 out of 1035