Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon How to handle questions from your audience

Many presentations and other speeches are negatively marked by speakers' inability to handle the question and answer sessions properly. In most cases, questions are…

icon Being busy is not fine: What to do about it?

Often working 70 hours a week can bring you short-term gains, especially…

icon Effective teleconferencing

When hosting a teleconference, you should take advantage of the pre-reads…

icon Why introverts are better at networking

If you are an extrovert who does not have any trouble socializing with…

icon Is politeness compatible with leadership?

When you are polite and pleasant to other people, it usually makes you feel…

icon Learn to say no without being disrespectful

Lots of people do not like saying no, but this word is a part of our life.…

icon Constructive conflict: How to reap its benefits?

Some small business owners try to avoid conflicts and even discourage it.…

icon What to do when emotions get too strong

Handling emotions is a skill that plays a necessary part in conflict…

Top 10 - 1. místo - - Nepříjemné brnění prstů, bolesti zápěstí či předloktí? Příčinou mohou být špatné pracovní návyky

icon Recipe for productivity boost

Sometimes the best way to improve your productivity is simply to do…

How to live with narcissistic coworkers

icon How to live with narcissistic coworkers

Very self-centered people are often not easy to put up with. When you have…

icon Perfection paralysis: Why not be imperfect

In the world of entrepreneurship, perfection is not always the most desired…

icon 3 reasons why micromanagers hurt their business

What is a micromanager? This is the type of manager who thinks that he can…

icon When Dale Carnegie's lesson is not taken seriously

It is very easy to have no influence on people and to have no friends.…

Listing 677 to 689 out of 1035