Manager – management news

icon Why presentations are (not) good?

On average, it is estimated that up to 350 presentations are delivered every second of every day. This is according to a study from the Harvard Business Review, and…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Create a better future for yourself today

Are you satisfied with your job, have no personal problems and generally no…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon First time before an audience? 8 tips for success

You have just been asked to prepare an upcoming meeting for some really…

icon 7 tips how to manage "side gigs" and not go crazy

Do you often find that before the month is over your funds for the entire…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Who are project stakeholders?

Articles on project management often refer to "stakeholders". In most…

icon Can your day have 26 hours? (Part 2)

We wish it were possible. But we have already proven that it is not in the…

icon What body language says about your intentions

If you wish to have a multitude of business partners and clients or have…

icon Can your day have 26 hours? (Part 1)

No, it cannot really. However, how is it possible that your colleague who…

icon When is it time to slow down?

You have many tasks to perform and not enough time to complete them.…

icon Project management: Do you know what you are doing?

You have been assigned a new project but cannot orientate very well in it.…

icon Seven misconceptions about productivity

Nowadays, there are tools available to us for scheduling our time,…

icon A project manager's weekly bread

Some time ago, we published an article titled Project manager's daily…

icon How to interpret data without misleading

Do you read amazing statistics every day on the web, in newspapers or see…

Listing 768 to 780 out of 1035