Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Ten key skills of a project manager

What a project manager must be able to do in order be able to really effectively manage projects? According to the expert server PM Hut project managers should be…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon What are successful people doing on weekends?

The more busy we are during the workweek, the more important is how we can…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Does your audience know what you are talking about?

How should a presentation not look like? This question was answered is an…

icon Look before you call a meeting

Think about how many times you have complained at least to yourself that…

icon Three conditions for a successful presentation

If a presentation is to be successful, it must meet three conditions: it…

Every second meeting is a waste of time

icon Every second meeting is a waste of time

A good meetin is short, straight to the point, it begins and ends on time,…

icon 10 reasons why project teams fail

Project teams often fail because they lack clear and realistically…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Imagine that you are Superman and other tips on how to stop procrastinating obligations

Most of us have at least sometimes problems with procrastinating…

icon I am not incompetent, I just don't have time

Organizationally incapable people often delude themselves into thinking…

Stop preventing your own personal growth

icon Stop preventing your own personal growth

All activities become routine after a certain period of time. We stop…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Why aren't you wanted in senior management?

You have been a middle manager for quite a long time and you are still…

icon 5 reasons, why you do not have to be late any more

If you are a chronic latecomer you are getting disadvantaged in terms of…

icon 10 management rules that no longer apply

The times when management was about orders and control are gone. The…

Listing 898 to 910 out of 1035