Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Mobile devices harm both body and mind

It is widely known that the human mind can change the human body. However, at the same time, our body language affects not only how others see us, but also how we …

icon Breakthrough customer experience: There is no perfect product (3/3)

In the previous article we saw how Disney and Amazon improved their…

icon Performance is all about encouraging the right behaviours

Genuine effort is needed to build a high performance culture. To enable…

icon Do you really need more creativity?

Do you think your team or company is not creative enough? Maybe it's not…

icon These practices actually promote diversity

Vast bodies of research suggest that the commitment and accountability of…

icon How not to spoil a corporate Christmas party for yourself and others

The season of corporate Christmas parties is upon us. On the one hand, we…

icon Study: Corporate social responsibility in the heart of Europe

Businesses have had a positive impact on finding solutions to social…

icon Are gender differences in fact power differences?

In a new job, do men and women differ in whether they accept the first…

icon Breakthrough customer experience: It is not about small steps (2/3)

In the last article, we saw how important it is to thoroughly observe…

icon Breakthrough customer experience: You need the right approach (1/3)

If you want to deliver superior customer experience, you have to adapt to…

icon Great speakers fall from the sky and other myths about public speaking

If you are not a natural talent, you will never become a good speaker. If…

icon Chief Digital Officers: What is their role? (2/2)

Customer-centric mindset can be effectively promoted by CDOs. Sending e-…

Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

icon Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

Quarterly profits are no longer an accurate picture of company performance.…

Listing 612 to 624 out of 987