Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Learn to criticize when brainstorming

Do you think that brainstorming is a method that takes place in a pleasant environment, free of pressure and fears of negative feedback? You have surely been told…

Richard Páleník

icon Telecoms - banking - energy and lessons from the story of David and Goliath

Each of us needs them. They know it and behave accordingly. Their business…

icon Setting organizational culture: The basics

Many top managers will tell you that both the company strategy and culture…

icon Do others undermine your authority?

Has it ever happened to you that your employees sometimes go to your boss…

Is your company able to succeed today?

icon Is your company able to succeed today?

Times are tough and conditions are changing and unstable, report articles.…

icon Why is nobody interested in your LinkedIn profile?

You have set up a profile on the LinkedIn social network and you are…

icon How to fit into a new work team

Have you hired a new employee whose skills and experience match the…

icon How to write a CV when you are fifty and over

Your 50th birthday is approaching and you think that you still could try…

icon From shelves to the CEO's chair

Terry Leahy, the long-time former CEO of the British retail chain Tesco, …

icon Why are managers losing their employees?

You have surely met a manager, with whom time spent together at work became…

icon Icons and idiots

"Most successful leaders are mentally and emotionally askew." This…

icon Why do your colleagues not like you?

Is it just a silly popularity contest? Are you popular among your…

icon Inspiration for anti-bribery training

Are your employees facing an increased risk of corruption? Then you…

Listing 898 to 910 out of 987