Manager – management news

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Drive your company to growth

Does it seem to you that you have everything well-prepared? Great business plan, staff and customers? If you still stay in the same place and your business is not…

Článek v rámci předplatného icon Entrepreneurship is not for everyone

Starting a business and being your own boss may seem tempting, but many…

icon How to recognise people you can't negotiate with

Experts on negotiating always advise separating the problem to be solved…

icon Successful negotiation: Preparation, confidence, flexibility

You are going to convince your boss to give you a new big task, a panel of…

icon Respect is a prerequisite for trust

Respected people appreciate others. Their own toil and hard work do not…

icon Losing a partner is not losing a company

Breakups in our private lives are not easy, and neither are breakups in…

icon Study: Global gender gap in 2013

The global gender gap slightly narrowed in 2013. This is according to a…

icon Tips from experts: Giving a presentation

There is an enormous difference between, one one side, presenting and on…

icon What is important for cross-border trade?

There is no universal recipe for increasing exports. What most affects…

icon When you are not recommended: How to handle unfavorable reviews on social media

It is very probable that sometimes there will be a negative review related…

icon Six "NO-NOs" of business networking

Are you one of those people who do not like building relationships with…

icon Do you have entrepreneurial talent?

Entrepreneurship is demanding both physically and mentally. It is commonly…

icon Negotiations: How to achieve a win-win result

Many people feel uncomfortable when they have to negotiate. Some of us even…

Listing 469 to 481 out of 587