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Social media must be seen as a serious platform for your business, simply because that is the way things are. News, reports, researching products and services, as…
We're facing the Fourth Industrial Revolution which will affect millions of…
Personalities on social media have considerable influence on their…
The previous article explained how, if you want to take cybersecurity…
According to estimates offered by various studies, 70-90% of organisations…
All companies will soon be engaged in digitization in some way. While Uber…
In the previous article we saw why any formal structure is better than…
A formal structure is good as long as employees are free to partially …
The LinkedIn professional social network users will have heard about the…
The difference between excellent managers and great leaders consists in the…
Twenty years ago, then world chess champion Garry Kasparov lost a match to…
One major phenomenon of our modern world is that of communication via…
Why do organisational change initiatives so often fail? The previous…