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Modern technology enables us to be as connected as never before. The world is small now, and so it can be rather surprising that spreading the word isn't easy in a…
Goldman Sachs claims that the virtual and augmented reality market will…
"Millennials" represent the first generation of specialists in the field of…
The construction industry provides work to approximately 7% of the…
A recent study that was presented at the 2017 World Economic Forum in…
In 20 years time, connected cars and autonomous vehicles will make traffic…
So lets continue with our guidelines. These tips will make your deck of…
V závěru roku 2016 proběhl slavnostní večer s vyhlášením výsledků 9.…
No one wants to project a presentation that seems old. If you want to make…
Machine learning and other areas of AI will enhance the consumer experience…
The global economy is changing, and so are the priorities of its leaders.…
The previous article described what needs to be kept in mind when creating…
In a rapidly changing digital landscape, CEOs must lead the charge in…