Manager – management news

Asiana, spol. s r.o. The section is sponsored by Asiana, spol. s r.o.

icon Career tips from Marissa Mayer

Management sections of the world's leading media in the last week are full of reports on Marissa Mayer, the former vicepresident of Google, changing her position to…

icon Other mistakes you make on LinkedIn

We have already covered the topic of unnecessary mistakes on the…

icon How not to destroy your career on social networks

Employees who are active on social networks are willy-nilly representatives…

icon First Woman on Facebook's Board of Directors

The first woman has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Facebook…

icon Do you know how you look on camera?

You have probably already had the experience where you take a photograph of…

icon How to maintain a credible profile on social networks

Managers' activities on social networks help - whether deliberately or…

icon Why should firms start with social media and who should be in charge?

This was the title of an interesting presentation by a social media…

Konference "Nový svět firemní spolupráce: SOCIAL BUSINESS"

icon In-house social network to support corporate creativity

IBM Connections is a social software for open information sharing in a…

icon Professional rules of video calling

You sit in front of your computer screen waiting to start a videoconference…

icon Some reminders about e-mail etiquette

Using e-mail is an integral part of every office worker’s day but more and…

icon How to use recommendations on LinkedIn

Recommendations from other users in your profile on LinkedIn help to…

icon What are you doing wrong on LinkedIn?

A profile on the LinkedIn social network is used to present your…

icon Czech users to practise English in Selflearning

Users of the managerial education portal Selflearning and its corporate…

Listing 586 to 598 out of 620