Manager – management news

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icon Four very common mistakes to avoid on LinkedIn if you want to succeed in your career

Your presence on LinkedIn can be a huge advantage, whether you are an entrepreneur or want to build a career and become a manager. Whatever the case, there are…

icon UK survey: companies allowing remote working are 16 % more productive

The coronavirus crisis opened the door to a new norm by forcing companies…

icon Four original tips on building a successful personal brand on LinkedIn

The professional network LinkedIn has come up with a number of innovations…

icon How should a team manager react to artificial intelligence?

There is no escape from artificial intelligence, often abbreviated as AI.…

icon Explaining the new trend among young employees: a "lazy girl job“

A new term has started to spread through the internet, namely "lazy girl…

icon Trending ChatGPT: how managers can use AI to their advantage

Artificial intelligence, and especially ChatGPT, is currently a topic of…

icon Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (2/2)

The first part of the article presented the findings of the Global…

icon Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (2/2)

The first part of the article presented the findings of the Global…

icon Research: Managers are on the verge of burnout due to remote people management (1/2)

The latest Global Leadership Forecast Survey from the DDI consulting firm…

icon Research: Good mood as a booster of creativity

Make your neurobiology work for you. Scientific research has revealed a way…

icon Five reasons to upgrade your workforce management technology now

Businesses need to start looking to the future of their staff management…

icon A few tips on strengthening staff morale during a pandemic

This may be a triviality that seems completely obvious to you but this is…

icon Tablet versus laptop: which tool to choose for the job?

Are you considering buying a tablet instead of a laptop for your business?…

Listing 1 to 13 out of 620