Are counteroffers the right way to retain talented employees? This question has recently been asked in the "Ask Annie" management column on the Fortune magazine…
Leadership development is an HR policy priority of today's companies.…
Employee performance in a company should be properly connected to employee…
Strategic talent management cannot be based on measuring employee…
When processing information, the human brain creates certain shortcuts in…
The professional recruiting company Hays Czech Republic published its…
If you ask managers how much is the difference between their strong and…
How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert…
Access to the labor market, the structure of jobs and related working…
High staff turnover is one of the traditional problems of call centers.…
The end of the year is approaching, and so does the traditional question of…
No matter how bad the overall situation on the labor market, salespeople…
Although the combination of words "employee engagement" is somewhat…